The TM600 log splitter is a high-capacity and powerful machine designed to handle even the most demanding log splitting tasks. The TM600 log splitter is a robust and efficient machine designed for demanding log splitting tasks. It offers the power and versatility needed to handle various log sizes and types effectively, making it a valuable tool for professional users and those with extensive log splitting needs.
ShopMachineryFencing & Timber EquipmentLog SplittersOxdale Log Splitters – TM600
Oxdale Log Splitters – TM600
- New in stock
- Used in stock
- Available to order
- Splits logs up to 24” or 60cm
- Diameter not restricted
- 14 Ton splitting force
- Needs 25l/m of oil flow
- Fits Cat 1 or 2 linkage
- Unique double chamfered axe head
- Anti-burst lagging pipes