The Semi Recessed range of Vacuum tanks is an adaptation of the standard range, aimed at accommodating larger tires without the need for a Fully Recessed tank. The models available in this range are similar to those in the standard range, with a slightly reduced capacity due to the volume lost to create the recess (the exact reduction depends on the chosen tires). Despite the recess, the Semi Recessed range maintains the same high-quality finish and robust design. To ensure strength and durability, it is reinforced internally at the points where the recess is created. This design offers greater versatility, allowing users to fit larger tires while still benefiting from the quality and durability of the Conor Vacuum tanks.
Conor Semi Recessed Tankers
- New in stock
- Used in stock
- Available to order
- 8000 litre Battioni pump
- Secondary trap to protect the pump
- Anti-enclosure rings internally for strength
- Mudguards
- Internal baffle plates
- LED lighting
- 4 filling points (1 complete with quick attach)
- 6.1 metre suction hose
- 51cm rear door