Pegasus Horse and Pony Cubes are an excellent choice for those seeking high-quality, non-heating nutrition at an exceptional price point. Ideal for horses and ponies in light to medium work, these cubes offer vital vitamins and minerals essential for equine health.
Suitable for such workloads or to supplement other feeds for cost reduction, these cubes feature wheatfeed and oatfeed, providing natural fibre energy from included cereals. With a balanced blend of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, these cubes support overall health and vitality, offering quality nutrition at great value.
Although Pegasus operates as a smaller name in equine feed, it’s worth noting that they’re under the umbrella of Spillers Horse Feeds, renowned for top-quality products. This association ensures that Pegasus feeds benefit from the extensive equine nutritional research and development conducted by Spillers, delivering exceptional quality at a fraction of the cost.